Saturday, March 8, 2014

Day 4: One Way to Deal With Daylight Savings Time.

First throw a spur of the moment birthday party for the Saturday before.

Spend Saturday cleaning house, decorating, getting everything ready. (In our case there was very little food prep involved since our friends brought pizza and the cake.)

When the rest of the party-goers arrive, turn on fun, loud music (preferable from the eighties) and feast on pizza, veggies in homemade ranch dressing, and chips and salsa. Yum! Then sing Happy Birthday to the birthday boy (or girl) and (if you can bring yourself to) cut into and eat the adorable Minion cake. (Yes, it was a Despicable Me party.)

Then put on a movie, (Despicable Me 2) watch and digest dinner, before going and eating more Minion cake and too many chips and salsa. You will fall into bed stuffed, tired, and sleep through the night on an earlier schedule. (I was tired out by nine o' clock!)

Lastly, and very importantly, on Sunday rest... and don't forget to change the clocks.

1 comment:

  1. LOL. Sounds like every Hadley bday party EVER. ;) with the appropriate rotation of licensed characters and variations in the menu, of course.
