Thursday, March 6, 2014

Day 2: My To-do List for Today

I find it easier to have a good day if I make my list of requirements small and manageable. I give myself just a few things to do each day and then I can check them all off with minimal stress and still have time for things I may rather do, like reading.

Today's list consisted of three things I must accomplish: 1. Blog. Obviously that has been taken care of. 2. Play my harp. I have yet to do that one, but even playing just one or two songs will count, and I enjoy it so much (when I find the time) that it will not be at all taxing. And 3. Spend some time sewing.

Recently I've begun taking sewing lessons from a friend, Becki, who is proving to be an excellent  teacher for me. Sewing is a skill I've long wanted to gain, but I unfortunately have a serious lack of confidence and a fear of failure. I don't want to take the time to learn to sew. I just want to instantly be an expert. But that is not how it is done. I must learn one step at a time. But when I gain all the skills I need I'll be able to fashion all my own skirts, dresses, shirts, maybe I'll even tackle pants someday. I've already made one skirt (the one I wore yesterday to book club,) I'm currently working on a shirt, and when it's finished Becki and I are going to start on a dress!

1 comment:

  1. "I don't want to take the time to learn to sew. I just want to instantly be an expert. " My problem exactly! Can't wait to see the finished product.
